I've wanted to start a blog since I found out that I was pregnant with triplets. However life just took over and I didn't make the opportunity happen. I've decided to put this together before my triplets turn two in November. There might not be a lot of cute baby pictures in here, but I can assure you that if you check back every once in a while you will see pictures, videos and stories sure to make you laugh!
I can't believe that we already have started potty training. Spencer is more than ready, so it begins! Of course, with triplets you can't have one of anything, especially potties.
November 2005 the Roberts Triplets were born at 31 weeks, nine weeks premature. Our boys, Jackson and Spencer were 3.4 and 3.3 lbs. at birth and spent 6 weeks in the hospital. Emma was a tiny 1.2 lbs. and suprised everyone when she was born alive. She spent a long four months in the NICU and continues to struggle with issues related to her small size.