Why A Blog?

I've wanted to start a blog since I found out that I was pregnant with triplets. However life just took over and I didn't make the opportunity happen. I've decided to put this together before my triplets turn two in November. There might not be a lot of cute baby pictures in here, but I can assure you that if you check back every once in a while you will see pictures, videos and stories sure to make you laugh!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Adventures in Fine Dining--Red Lobster Will Never Be the Same

We decided to go out to dinner tonight at Red Lobster. Spencer decided to paint his face, the table and everything he could reach with Ranch dressing and Ketchup; Jackson ate a whole little container of Ketchup; amazingly Emma ate food, way to go Emma, french fries are one of her favorite foods.

Here are a couple of pictures of the kids after dinner. Notice the ketchup in Spencer's eyebrows and all over Jackson's face!

Have a great weekend.


tigger said...

They are so cute!! I can't beleive how big they are getting. Thanks for sharring and I will chat with you later

Joselle said...

OMG- we just took our trio to Red Lobster last week and all three screamed in unison for those chedder (crack) bay bisquits!